How To Get Smooth Summer Ready Legs
The skin on my legs is far from smooth. I have dry, easily irritated skin and, what I’m pretty certain after a Google search is, Keratosis Pilaris on the backs on my thighs. What is Keratosis Pilaris you ask? “Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is a chronic skin condition that forms white or red bumps when hair follicles are plugged with keratin buildup.” Common areas for KP are the back of the arms, thighs, and back. I’m lucky to have it on the back of my thighs. Can a girl even have smooth summer ready legs with Keratosis Pilaris? I’ve had those little bumps for as long as I can remember, and they’ve always bothered me. This year, after unleashing my winter legs I decided it was worth trying to at least improve the skin on my thighs, and I just may have found something that works.
How To Improve Keratosis Pilaris
I took to Google to find out just how to get rid of my KP. I gathered that using a chemical exfoliant, plus a physical exfoliant, and a little moisture should help. In all of my Google searches article after article recommended using lactic acid or glycolic acid as the chemical exfoliant, paired with a scrub. I almost splurged on a crazy expensive scrub + lactic acid combo, when I realized I already had both the lactic acid, and a scrub in a few of my favorite products from Skin Resource.MD.

Lactic Acid Serum
I knew I loved the Age Limit Advanced Refinishing Serum on my face, it instantly smooths and brightens. When I looked closer, I realized it had lactic acid in it (and also glycolic acid)! So, I put it on my thighs…and it burned like the dickens. On my face, I’ve only noted a little sensitivity a few times, but maybe because my legs are shaved, they were way more sensitive. I danced around the bathroom, hollered at my husband to stop watching and endured the pain because, beauty is pain.

I followed the serum with a little Baobab cream and CeraVe moisturizing cream, and the sting went away. The next day, my legs were already noticeably smoother. I continued using the serum every other day, and followed it with Baobab, and CeraVe. In the shower I used Crystal Clarity scrub, and also made sure to use a really sharp and fresh razor to shave my legs.
I eventually learned the serum didn’t burn if I used it at night instead of in the morning, right after I had shaved my legs.
After a week, my legs were so much smoother, but not perfect. There are still marks on my legs from years of having those cute little bumps, and while there are noticeably less bumps, there are still some present, so don’t expect a miracle. I also found that in order to keep the results, I had to continue the same routine week after week.

However, my legs, although not perfect, were probably the smoothest they have ever been. So, I started to back off of on how often I was using the serum and scrub. One week, I slacked and didn’t use the serum or scrub at all, and the bumps came back full force. However, once I got back into my routine, smoother skin returned. After years of rough and bumpy skin on my thighs, I just may have found something that works, and it’s a routine that’s worth it for me.
I hope you’re not one of the lucky ones with Keratosis Pilaris, but if you are, I think you should try this! Get those legs summer ready girl!
The Instant Gratification Kit (essentially what I used on my leg; serum, Baobab and Crystal Clarity) is only $98 ($118 value)!
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