Limb loss comes with changes in body mechanics and strength that, if not addressed, can lead to mobility issues down the road. Whether your limb loss is in the upper or lower body, you can’t forget about the shoulders, upper back, and arms. You’ll need to maintain muscle balance and strength to avoid backaches and other pain that can follow limb loss.
How to Put Your Workout Together
We’ve put together some upper body exercises that can be adapted for those with upper or lower body limb loss. These exercises can be done in a number of ways:
- Circuit: Do each exercise for 30 to 45 seconds, taking no breaks in between. Rest for 90 to 120 seconds and do the circuit again. Do two or three circuits.
Prep Your Skin
Before beginning any workout, protect and prepare your skin. Make sure the skin is clean and dry. Apply a moisturizer, making sure the moisturizer is completely absorbed before donning your prosthesis. If you perspire easily or plan to do a heavy workout, consider applying VitalFit’s Liquid-to-Powder Plus to your residual to create a friction barrier that prevents and reduces chafing.
Upper Body Exercises for Individuals with Limb Loss
All of these exercises can be done standing or sitting. Before beginning any of the exercises, make sure to straighten your posture and pull the belly button toward the spine to engage the core (abdominals).
Arm Hugs
- Open the arms wide like you’re pinching the shoulder blades together.
- Swing them back around until you’re hugging your body.
- Open the arms wide again and repeat.
- Repeat for 30 to 45 seconds.
Tips and Modifications: This is a great warm-up exercise that stretches and activates the shoulders, upper back, and chest muscles. Build momentum until you’ve created a rhythm.
Shoulder Shrug
- Raise the shoulders toward the ears and hold for a count of five.
- Return the shoulders to the starting position
- Repeat for 30 to 45 seconds
Tips and Modification: Hold dumbbells to add weight.
Side Arm Circles
- Hold the arms straight out to the sides of the body, making a T.
- Do small forward circles, slowly making the circles bigger.
- Do 15 to 20 circles or 30 to 45 seconds of the exercise.
- Repeat but do backward circles this time.
Tips and Modification: You can increase the intensity of this exercise by keeping the circles very tight and fast or by holding light weights. Doing arm circles for a certain rather than a number of reps can increase the intensity as well.
Front Arm Circles
- Hold the arms straight in front of you, arms in line with the shoulders.
- Do small circles inward. Keep these circles tight and quick.
- Do 15 to 20 circles or 30 to 45 seconds of the exercise.
- Repeat but do circles toward the outside of the arms, still keeping the arms in line with the shoulders.
Tips and Modifications: The faster and tighter (smaller) you do the circles, the harder this exercise becomes. Hold light dumbbells to increase the intensity.
Front Arm Paddle
- Hold the arms straight in front of you, arms in line with the shoulders.
- Raise the left arm five or six inches while lowering the right arm five or six inches.
- Quickly reverse, lowering the left arm five or six inches while lowering the right arm five or six inches.
- Repeat by paddling the arms in front of you for 30 to 45 seconds.
Tips and Modification: The shoulders should stay flexed during this exercise. The goal isn’t to make big motions but quick, closely controlled motions. You can add weights, too, but they should be light to reduce stress on the elbows.
Front Arm Crisscross
- Hold the arms straight in front of you, arms in line with the shoulders.
- Keeping the arms straight, cross the hands in front of you with the right hand over the left.
- Quickly switch, crossing the left hand over the right.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
Tips and Modifications: You should feel this exercise in your pectoral muscles. Again, the point of the exercise isn’t to make big motions but carefully controlled motions as quickly as possible.
Final Thoughts
Your exercise routine doesn’t need to be complicated to be effective. Consistency in your exercise practice is key to preserving your range of motion. A few upper body exercises every day might be all you have time for, but if you do them regularly, it can keep your body strong and balanced. And a strong, balanced body is one that will let you participate in the activities you love for years to come.