Ask a Dermatologist - Videos
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What is Razor Burn and how do you Avoid It?
Treating Dry and Flaky Skin
What causes Bruising?
Should I pop a pimple?
What is Hyaluronic Acid?
Simplifying your Skin Care Regimen.
Learn more about Free Radicals and Antioxidants
Baobab Skin Care Correction Cream and Hyperpigmentation.
An alternative to sunscreen.
The secret of great skin, Exfoliation.
We've got you covered - The places people forget to put sunscreen.
What comes first, Antioxidants, Moisturizer, or Sunscreen?
There is a difference between what doctors and patients want in Botox.
How dermatologists have contributed to low Vitamin D Epidemic.
Can oil free moisturizer help reduce oily skin?
Baseball caps don't cover it!
Fragrances and Allergic Reactions
Why Do Men Not Like to Moisturize?
Oily Skin & Moisturizer.
Why did you become a Dermatologist?
What is Hyaluronic Acid
Four Things you need to know for a long healthy life
What are blackheads and whiteheads and how do you treat them?
Treating Dry and Flaky Skin
Does sleeping on your back help with wrinkles?