VitalFit Testimonials

"I almost never never recommend a product however, after using VitalFit Liquid-to-Powder Plus, I feel compelled to write a glowing review. I am a below the knee amputee. I have suffered from skin breakdown around my tibia area for years. I have tried many products and techniques to alleviate this problem but unfortunately none have worked. Then it was recommended to me to use VitalFit Liquid-to-Powder Plus. The redness and irritation around my tibia area is remarkably healed. I can now wear my prosthesis for a much longer period with greater comfort. THANK YOU VITALFIT."


“I am an above the knee amputee and started using the VitalFitSR skin care system this past Spring.  It has eliminated all my skin breakouts and rashes on my residual limb!  I really love the Liquid -to-Powder - it absorbs the sweat and stops my liner from drifting down when I am active.  I live in Alaska and do a lot of hiking in the mountains!  The customer service of the company is terrific - friendly and always helpful.  And the shipping!? Super fast! Overall, a very impressive company & product.  Thank you for making my  life as an amputee better and easier"


"Over the last 10 days I was out guiding, I average around 6,700 steps a day. Using the Vitalfit skin system I did not have any skin break down or chafing at all! Truly remarkable product. My past experience with this kind of walking/hiking I would have worn skin areas due to my prosthesis rubbing."


"I’m a transfemoral amputee of 12 years. I wear my leg for the majority of the day and it doesn’t get much time out of the socket. I used the VitalFit skin care system for some time until my skin seemed well enough, so I stopped…after a few weeks, I started getting some dry itchy red spots on my leg. I started using the skin care system again and it cleared up the dry, itchy, redness in no time! I will definitely be using this daily as a preventative from here on out! Also, the “Liquid to Powder Plus” lotion is GOLD for preventing perspiration! I’m also a certified prosthetist and I highly recommend this product for all of my patients!


""I am just now over 3 years as a RBKA and I have tried many different products to help with my many skin problems and with sweating during the day wearing my prosthetic liner and leg. I was introduced to Vitalfit SR skin care system at The National Amputee Coalition Conference in San Antonio, TX in July 2019 and I decided to try it. I would have to say Wow what an amazing product, I have being using Vitalfit SR skin care system now for over 2 months and I have seen an overwhelming difference within the first few days in my skin care from the itching to very little or no sweating in my liner during the day, as I am a very active amputee every day. I have seen so many positive changes in my skin health. I use the 4 step skin care system every day, Daily Cleanser, Day Moisturizer, Liquid-to-Powder Plus, Night Moisturizer. In Closing if any Amputee is thinking about trying the Vitalfit SR skin care system it is a must try and a game changer in the overall health of your limb. I am So Happy that Vitalfit SR came into my life now."


"Your products are amazing! I have had issues with socket comfort that we just couldn't quite fix, and your products have made a huge difference. Plus, no more stinky stump when I remove my liner at night. I've already recommended your products to another amputee and will be sharing with our amputee support group next month. "


"I was given an opportunity to try your product when it first came out, my rehab doctor and his wife had gotten me some through another patient. I do honesty believe the VitalFit Skin Care System helped my skin in a lot of different ways. This product I will stand behind the rest of my life! I can not thank you enough!”


"There are two of us who swear by the cream to powder (Liquid Powder Plus). We both do CrossFit and we both use it prior to exercise. We each have a different system. His is a vacuum and mine a sleeve. He has already purchased a full-sized bottle. I will be purchasing one. It is a great product."


"I have had repeated bouts with this 'crazy itch' and have tried over the counter and prescription cortisone creams and antibiotic ointments in attempt to curb the constant urge to rub and scratch after taking off my bilateral prosthetic liners. The night prior to my being introduced to the VitalFitSR line of products, I got very little sleep as a result of persistent itching. My first night of using the VitalFitSR 'Cleaner' followed by the 'Night Moisturizer' did the trick, giving me a peaceful night's sleep. I also found the 'Day Moisturizer' very effective in keeping away itch throughout the long day of vigorous activity while wearing my prosthetic legs, until I washed again well with the 'Cleaner'. I am grateful to VitalFitSR for developing this line of products as if they were the perfect "fit" for me and my situation."


"I am a double below knee amputee and experience skin issues most of the time. I tried the Liquid-to-Powder Plus yesterday and was amazed with only using it one day that my residual limbs felt so much better at the end of the day.  No Sweating!


“The results showed overwhelming positive changes in skin health, hygiene. Additionally, patients reported increased satisfaction with the overall fit and function of prosthetic or orthotic devices.”


“After using this system for a month, for the first time in 6 years my prosthesis feels like it’s a part of my leg.”


“Dry feet improved greatly between toes and on foot bottom.”


“I have sensitive skin and these products made my skin feel great with no negative reaction.”


“System of products does a great job!”


“Dry skin doing much better and planter scaling is much better.”